Sunday, August 23, 2009

Why We Chose to Adopt

Dave made a good point the other day of saying so many people ask us why we chose to adopt, especially because we already have birth children, so we thought we'd write a post about it.

First, some background is necessary. Dave and I discussed adoption early in our marriage, even before we even had any children by birth. We both had a desire to adopt and knew one day we would. At the time we of course did not know whether that meant we would have birth children first or not. Well God has blessed us with three amazing children who joined our family in the traditional way and now we are in China to adopt our third son, fourth child.

The following random thoughts best paint the picture of why we chosen to adopt (and may yet again)

- The idea of adoption is God's creation. The brutal yet beautiful story of God entering a scarred world in the person of Jesus as told through the 4 Gospels is ultimately about providing a means of adoption (and redemption) for His estranged sons and daughters. The one that fashioned the universe into existence chose to set aside comfort and safety to allow a broken and evil humanity to nail Him to a cross, all because He loved us. When we humble ourselves and ask for God's help and forgiveness, we are adopted as His children.

- There are many orphans in this world. While we can't help them all, we can help at least 1, with love and a stable home.

- When we began to consider having children, we realized that it might not be easy for us. We decided, early on in our marriage, that if we were unable to conceive biologically, we wouldn't attempt any medical intervention. Whether a child had our DNA or not wasn't a priority. To us, you are a mother or father based on what you do with a child post conception.

- Adoption is financially expensive, no doubt about it. We could have spent the money to finish our basement or go on multiple vacations. The money could have been saved for the unknown future or been invested to earn more of it. Yet, all of that is temporal and fleeting. In God's economy, a person is both eternal and more valuable than material possessions. In God's economy, children are an asset and not a curse. In God's economy, it is better to give than to receive. We feel we chose the option that will convert the temporary into that which lasts forever.

- Ultimately, this process has been God leading us and we are merely following. I wonder what would happen if every follower of God was to get actively involved in some way in an adoption. What if Christian families asked God if if He would have them add another little one? You might not be called to adopt, but you might be called to help someone who is, financially, practically or through prayer.

Please continue to keep us in your prayers.


  1. Well said. My husband is leaving next month to pick up our daughter from Henan province- our first daughter, fourth child. Adoption is a calling and a way to understand our Father's heart toward us. We knew we would adopt 14 years ago and are now seeing God's timing. We didn't "have" to adopt because we couldn't have biological children. We chose to adopt as a calling on our family. Thanks for the post.

  2. I love your explanation of why you chose to adopt. I tried to include a paragraph on my blog along these lines, but I really like the way you put it here. Congratulations on Toby joining your family! May the bonding go well!

    ~Amy in FL, home with Lillian Joy An Xiao Xue from Anyang, Henan, since March
