Monday, August 31, 2009

A Better Day and A Couple Stories

Today has been a better day. After having my down day yesterday I am feeling more encouraged. Toby allowed me to carry him down to breakfast and also down to the pool today. This is big progress for us. He is also more cuddly with his bottle again. I keep reminding myself it's only been a week and things won't happen overnight, but every little step forward is a victory for me. Toby really likes the pool and doesn't seem to have any fear of the water. I meant to take my camera down to take some pics but forgot so I will do that tomorrow. Today we swam at the pool after breakfast and skyping with the kids. Toby's napping right now and Dave went out to get us some Subway for lunch (yes there is a Subway close by). We are planning on exploring the island a little more this afternoon and then having dinner at Lucy's tonight again. Toby loves the baby noodle bowl they have there.

So I don't think I ever told the glasses story so I thought I'd share it. On our second to last night in Beijing Dave's glasses broke. The arm completely came off and was unfixable. We asked our guide if there was any way to get new glasses. That night after touring she took us to an eye glasses place and was able to help us get Dave a new pair. He got new lenses and frames for a total of $30 US. They had them ready with the perfect percription in less than an hour. Talk about a good deal. Maybe that's why Toby's so loving his daddy, his Chinese glasses.

The other night we had put Toby in his crib after falling asleep in our bed. At some point in the middle of the night he crawled out of the crib and into Dave's bed. He conked out and slept the rest of the night with Dave.

We love you so much and with we could be with you. Hope you have/had a wonderful day. We are so proud of the wonderful boy you are becoming. You are an amazing big brother and we are blessed. You are such a special gift from God!

1 comment:

  1. We are so happy for you!!! Can't wait to
    get our hands on that little guy!!!
    Sorry we missed you at church and the shower
    but we want you to know you are in our prayers.
    I had tried to post on here last week and
    it wouldn't work. So I hope it works. Love
    your post on why you are adopting. With
    almost 6 adopted kids you know where we stand.
    It is hard at times to understand why some
    people don't get it. But God is so........
    good! We have an amazing God story to share with you when you get home. God WILL show up
    when you least expect it. Hang in there Teresa.
    Toby will be bonded before you know it!
    Se ya when you get home. Love ya,
