Saturday, September 12, 2009

First Week Home

Our first week home has gone really well overall. Jet lag was really tough on all of us but it seems we have now mostly recovered from it. Toby is sleeping well in his crib in our room and we have our bed back. The kids are all adapting to each other and building relationships. Lucy has done better than I expected her to as far as jealousy goes.

Toby is such a blessing and it feels so good to have him home and truly a part of the family now. He and I are getting much closer and he even prefers me to Daddy sometimes. We are starting to see a little more typical toddler behavior (ie. tantrums, hitting etc.) but nothing significant. I'm actually encouraged by it as I think he's feeling safe enough to let his guard down.

My mom has been with us since we returned and it has been a life saver. I can't imagine having to come home and deal with the kids, the household stuff, doctors appts etc. all while trying to recover from jet lag without help. Family and friends have brought over meals and it has all been so helpful.

Toby had his first visit with the pediatrician this week and so far it looks like he is doing good. He's growth is good and she found no obvious signs of illness. He will have to have a pretty extensive blood workup done as well as a liver ultrasound this coming week but I am not concerned that there is anything wrong at this point. He will also have his first appointment with the surgeon who will do his palate surgery on Friday. We will discuss when to do the surgery and get more details at that time.

We look forward to introducing Toby to many of you in the near future.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking about you and praying for you this week! If you need a break, send the kids down. Seriously!!! :) Glad yall are back.
