Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I'm a little behind in updating the blog as many of you have mentioned :) We are coming up on four weeks since we returned from China. Our family has been spending lots of time getting to know Toby and bond together as a family unit. The kids are all doing well and enjoying their newest sibling (most of the time). Obviously with Lucy and Toby being so close in age they are having to make the most adjustments to one another. They are still sorting out their relationship but I'm seeing more and more sweet interactions between them every day.

The second week home we all got a stomach virus which was not fun. The only one who escaped the nastiness was Toby. He must have some immune system. We also saw the surgeon who will be performing Toby's surgery. In addition to having his palate repaired she will also do a lip revision so try to fix the poor work that was done on his lip when it was originally repaired. He will most likely also have tubes put in his ears but that won't be confirmed until we meet with the ENT doctor next week. His surgery is scheduled for November 10th. I have mixed emotions about it all. On one hand I am anxious to get it done and be able to move forward with Toby's healing and speech development. On the other hand I am not looking forward to seeing him in pain and going through the recovery. He will need to wear arm splints for a few weeks to keep him from putting anything in his mouth. I'm sure that will not be fun for him but it will certainly be to his benefit in the long run.

Toby has been such a blessing to our family. Honestly it is just so clear that God intended for him to be a part of our family. It's getting harder and harder to remember life before he came home. I feel so honored that I get to be his mommy. Toby's personality is so sweet. He is easy going and loves to be held. He is quick with smiles and has the most adorable little dimple. He is also a typical toddler and expresses his displeasure when things do not go his way. Generally his tantrums are short lived and he goes back to his pleasant self.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

First Week Home

Our first week home has gone really well overall. Jet lag was really tough on all of us but it seems we have now mostly recovered from it. Toby is sleeping well in his crib in our room and we have our bed back. The kids are all adapting to each other and building relationships. Lucy has done better than I expected her to as far as jealousy goes.

Toby is such a blessing and it feels so good to have him home and truly a part of the family now. He and I are getting much closer and he even prefers me to Daddy sometimes. We are starting to see a little more typical toddler behavior (ie. tantrums, hitting etc.) but nothing significant. I'm actually encouraged by it as I think he's feeling safe enough to let his guard down.

My mom has been with us since we returned and it has been a life saver. I can't imagine having to come home and deal with the kids, the household stuff, doctors appts etc. all while trying to recover from jet lag without help. Family and friends have brought over meals and it has all been so helpful.

Toby had his first visit with the pediatrician this week and so far it looks like he is doing good. He's growth is good and she found no obvious signs of illness. He will have to have a pretty extensive blood workup done as well as a liver ultrasound this coming week but I am not concerned that there is anything wrong at this point. He will also have his first appointment with the surgeon who will do his palate surgery on Friday. We will discuss when to do the surgery and get more details at that time.

We look forward to introducing Toby to many of you in the near future.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Shopping Mania

So another mom in our travel group and I hired a local Chinese woman (Ann, from Red Thread) to take us shopping. She took us to wholesale markets and all sorts of amazing stores. She got us unbelievable deals! I'm still in some shock over it. It was tiring but so much fun. She took us off the island and to more local spots. It was good to see a little more of China than just Shamain Island. She is a tiny woman but man she can move fast. We were all tired when we returned but thrilled with our purchases.

Toby continues to do well and is warming up to me a little more each day. He usually ends up sleeping with me so he cuddles in his sleep even if he doesn't know it. He really enjoys the playroom and has fun exploring. We are seeing more and more of his true personality every day. We are looking forward to having him meet his siblings.

We are excited to be in the home stretch of our trip. I miss the kids so much and can hardly wait to hug and kiss them.

Just a quick update on some of the prayer requests. The families that were struggling are really improving and the kids continue to open up each day. My sinus are slowing improving. Toby and mommy are getting closer. Our paperwork snafu has been resolved and all should be good.

Today is our consulate appointment and we should hear in the next couple hours that all is good and that Toby will receive his visa tomorrow.

Please pray for us as we go through our last couple days here in China and begin our journey home. We have felt your prayers and thank you all for your faithfulness.